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Sony Launches PSP Minis

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SEPT. 7, 2009 • Hoping to generate some of the same success as Apple’s iPhone, Sony Computer Ent. has introduced its PSP Minis program: micro-sized games at App Store-like prices. Titles will be marketed in a Minis branded area of the PlayStation Store. To make creating games for the init…..
SEPT. 7, 2009 • Hoping to generate some of the same success as Apple’s iPhone, Sony Computer Ent. has introduced its PSP Minis program: micro-sized games at App Store-like prices. Titles will be marketed in a Minis branded area of the PlayStation Store. To make creating games for the init…..
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3D Comes to Sony Bravias

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SEPT. 2, 2009 • Display technology that supports 3D display will be built into Sony Bravia LCD TVs starting in 2010. Sony Electronics also said its Blu-ray players, as well as VAIO PCs and the PlayStation 3 will also support the technology. Sony executives said the system would employ Active…..
SEPT. 2, 2009 • Display technology that supports 3D display will be built into Sony Bravia LCD TVs starting in 2010. Sony Electronics also said its Blu-ray players, as well as VAIO PCs and the PlayStation 3 will also support the technology. Sony executives said the system would employ Active…..
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Netflix on Sony TVs

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JULY 10, 2009 • Sony Electronics has partnered with Netflix where unlimited subscribers of the latter can stream more than 12,000 films and TV shows on Internet-capable Bravia televisions this fall. The agreement does not extend to PlayStation 3s, for now. Impact: The Netflix partnership with the Xbox 360 has been surprisingly compelling.  However, we wonder how long the uniqueness of the relationship will last.  The idea of streaming video rentals…..
JULY 10, 2009 • Sony Electronics has partnered with Netflix where unlimited subscribers of the latter can stream more than 12,000 films and TV shows on Internet-capable Bravia televisions this fall. The agreement does not extend to PlayStation 3s, for now. Impact: The Netflix partnership with the Xbox 360 has been surprisingly compelling.  However, we wonder how long the uniqueness of the relationship will last.  The idea of streaming video rentals…..
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