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PlayStation 3 Forecast

Could Sony Go From 1st to Worst?

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Finally most of the cards are on the table and we can start making some more definitive statements about where we think the video game market is going. DFC Intelligence is always adjusting its forecasting model based on changes in the marketplace. Suffice to say events of the past six months have forced us to overhaul our models like never before. …..
Finally most of the cards are on the table and we can start making some more definitive statements about where we think the video game market is going. DFC Intelligence is always adjusting its forecasting model based on changes in the marketplace. Suffice to say events of the past six months have forced us to overhaul our models like never before.  …..
Read More Could Sony Go From 1st to Worst?
PlayStation 3 Pricing

Sony’s Long Road to A Surprising Price

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So now we have a price and boy is it a doozy: $600 for a PlayStation 3 (Ok, the cheapstakes out there can buy a watered down version for $500). Frankly we are shocked, not so much at the price which Sony had telegraphed was going to be high, but more at what the timing of the announcement says about where Sony is going. …..
So now we have a price and boy is it a doozy: $600 for a PlayStation 3 (Ok, the cheapstakes out there can buy a watered down version for $500). Frankly we are shocked, not so much at the price which Sony had telegraphed was going to be high, but more at what the timing of the announcement says about where Sony is going. …..
Read More Sony’s Long Road to A Surprising Price

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