The Embracer Group has completed its $3 billion acquisition of board game company Asmodee.  Asmodee is expected to operate as an independent company.


For the past few years, the Embracer Group has gone on an acquisition spree to become a leader in the video game market.  The acquisition of board game publisher/distributor Asmodee is not only Embracer’s largest yet, but it is in a parallel industry.

This can be seen as part of Embracer’s larger transmedia strategy where game IP can be used across multiple media.  Many popular board games are licensed from video games and physical board games are increasingly adding digital components.  So on paper the strategy makes sense.

The concern with Embracer is that the company is growing too fast and will not be able to integrate its purchases.  In this regard it is important to note that currently the plan is to keep Asmodee independent.  Embracer claims “Asmodee will continue to operate as before the transaction and no reorganization is expected.”

For more info on the Embracer Group see the full DFC analysis.