AUG. 29, 2007 Microsoft confirmed it intends to release the first service pack for the Windows Vista operating system during the first quarter of 2008. The release – which includes bug fixes, security updates and added functionality – is important because companies traditionally wait until after the first service pact to upgrade to a new Windows. Since Microsoft made its DirectX 10 tools a Vista exclusive, game developers have seen little motivation to move away from DX9 until Vista adoption rates increase. Conversely, many gamers have little motivation to purchase expensive DX10-capable video cards until more titles exhibit DX10 exclusive visuals.

Impact: A survey just released from Steam, Valve’s gaming download service showed that only 2% of users currently have a DX10 video card. With the gamer market becoming divided between Windows XP and Vista, developers in the PC game space once again have to decide whether to develop for the lowest common denominator or limit themselves to the core early adapter. It comes back again to the same debate. There is only one thing that drives the sale of new PC hardware and that is content. Until that cycle changes, unfortunately PC game developers will have to continue to bite the bullet here. For now anyway, hardcore AAA titles like Bioshock, Crysis and Spore will have to support the very high-end hardware.

A great discussion of this topic was presented at the “When Worlds Collide” panel moderated by Wanda Meloni.