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Microsoft Tests Social Network

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JUNE 11, 2008 • Microsoft’s Office Labs division is testing an internal social network. Called TownSquare, the Facebook-like prototype has been used by 8,000 Microsoft employees thanks to word-of-mouth after only 100 staffers were informed of the social network.  Although TownSquare offers primarily enterprise options for project networking, the underlying technology might prove useful for consumer application. Impact:  A strong consumer social netw…..
JUNE 11, 2008 • Microsoft’s Office Labs division is testing an internal social network. Called TownSquare, the Facebook-like prototype has been used by 8,000 Microsoft employees thanks to word-of-mouth after only 100 staffers were informed of the social network.  Although TownSquare offers primarily enterprise options for project networking, the underlying technology might prove useful for consumer application. Impact:  A strong consumer soci…..
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Alan Bowman & Microsoft Asia

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MARCH 20, 2008 • Last February the DFC Dossier took a closer look at how the Xbox 360 was doing in Latin America. Another part of Microsoft’s aggressive worldwide platform strategy is launching in major Asian markets outside of Japan, so we were just as curious about how the platform was progressing in Asia. Although Microsoft’s challenges in establishing itself in the Japanese market have been well reported, there has been far less coverage of the launches in South Korea, Hong Kong…..
MARCH 20, 2008 • Last February the DFC Dossier took a closer look at how the Xbox 360 was doing in Latin America. Another part of Microsoft’s aggressive worldwide platform strategy is launching in major Asian markets outside of Japan, so we were just as curious about how the platform was progressing in Asia. Although Microsoft’s challenges in establishing itself in the Japanese market have been well reported, there has been far less coverage of the launches in South Korea, Hong Kong…..
Read More Alan Bowman & Microsoft Asia

Bungie Parts From Microsoft

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SEPT. 30, 2007 • The rumor mill has been delivering sage counsel lately. Just four days after the big Halo 3 launch comes a Seattle Post-Intelligencer blog entry that developer Bungie is parting ways with Microsoft Games seven years after it was acquired by the latter. The rumor even claims Microsoft will sit on the information …..
SEPT. 30, 2007 • The rumor mill has been delivering sage counsel lately. Just four days after the big Halo 3 launch comes a Seattle Post-Intelligencer blog entry that developer Bungie is parting ways with Microsoft Games seven years after it was acquired by the latter. The rumor even claims Microsoft will sit on the information …..
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