In Corporate/Management, News

THQ Closes Universomo

Logo_universomoMARCH 2, 2010 • Finnish mobile developer Universomo has been closed down by its parent, THQ. While the publisher says it remains committed to the mobile category, future development will be sourced through a network of external studios worldwide.

Impact: THQ was an early entrant into the mobile space setting up the THQ Wireless division in the early days of the mobile phone game industry way back in 2001.  Ironically, the iPhone is suddenly making games on mobile phones, not onyl sexy but a legitmate business opportunity.  However, it appears that all THQ’s early efforts in this space will not be much help going forward in the mobile category.  As the market heads towards new business models and platforms it is an important reminder that sometimes pioneers take all the arrows and clear the way for the late comers.

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