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Little Big Planet at 2M Users

Little_Big_Planet-SAPRIL 2, 2009 • Sony announced that Little Big Planet MMO had attained 2 million players worldwide, and had generated more than 725,000 user-created levels.

Impact: A big part of Little Big Planet’s appeal is encouraging player contributions to the game environment. Giving users more ways to own and differentiate their avatars is a tremendous tool in acclimating them to online service models where the experience is ongoing, not finite. Instead of reaching level 70 in an MMO and looking around for something to do until the next retail expansion pack, getting users to add content on an ongoing basis freshens the experience for all, and encourages competitive instincts just as compelling as combat.  People like showing off their unique creations, so it might even be possible to one day monetize the addition of certain kinds of player created content.

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